This User Story focuses on the ability for users to delete unused\optional modules from emails.
As a... Collaborators, Approver or Editor
I want to... I want to choose which modules or sections to use in emails related to campaign.
So that I can…: Gain more control over my campaign assets and take it to a final version without the need for anyone to make additional changes from Marketo. Including:
Delete unused section of an email or landing page (ex: sections about speaker 3, 4, 5, since my event only has 2 speakers).
Chose one of various layout options for a given section: Ex: Chose between Header 1, 2 or
And enjoy...:
Create my campaigns faster and streamline the campaign creation process. Gain flexibility in the design\layout options I can use from a single Launcher in Jeto campaigns.
See files attached.
In the future Jeto will create a UI in Launcher settings to control these but this won't be in place for initial Beta. During this initial Beta, Client can request the activation of the feature (no additional fee). Jeto support agent will work with the client to identify the modules to "lock/unlock” during the Beta onboarding process.
This lock\unlock state for modules will be configured in Jeto to determine ability to delete a module from each email in specific Launcher(s).
In Marketo Template, if Module property "is locked" = true (which will prevent deleting it via API), It cannot be unlocked in Jeto.
Delete Modules
Email preview will still be generated from Marketo Program template's assets but should replicate the Marketo email (same as current) by reflecting token/field changes and module changes in both systems. (This assumes no changes are made directly from Marketo to the cloned assets associated with this campaign)
On New\Edit Campaign and Campaign Draft, "Preview" page will allow, for each email, the following new controls over modules:
User can activate the "Edit Modules" function. Once activated:
Modules are visually highlighted with a distinct colour and action buttons for the 3 action:
Modules is Locked: User cannot delete module(s).
Module is Unlocked : Use can delete module(s).
Module is Deleted but not submitted: User can restore module. Restored module becomes Unlocked again. (Typically while editing Campaign is Draft OR while editing\before submitting Campaign Changes)
If no unlocked modules are present in email (i.e. "Get Modules" did not fail and there is no modules returned for this email with status is_locked = false) : “Edit layout” and toggle is disabled (text in grey) hover or click on toggle opens tooltip: “There are no editable modules for this email“.
After submitting a campaign with changes to modules, Marketo puts the related email into a Draft. Jeto must also approve the related email(s) so that the deletion of modules are applied to the "Approved" Marketo email.
User can go back and forth between various assets as well as navigate between the campaign form (edit fields) and preview panel without losing any changes.
To Submit or Save modules changes, user must :
Campaign Draft: Go to “Edit” (form page) and Save Draft.
Campaign: Go to “Edit” (form page) and Submit.
Roles & Permissions
Only users with permissions to Edit Campaigns (Roles = Administrator, Collaborator - Owned campaigns, Editor and Approver) can delete modules.
Viewers cannot delete modules and the related “Edit Layout” toggle option is hidden.
Vs Comments
On preview page, clicking on the email preview will add a pin/comment (same as current)
When “Edit Edit” is activated, existing comments can be selected in Preview section, but new pins cannot be added.
If a comment is included in a module and this module is deleted:
on delete action, user is warned with modal window and request to confirm delete.
if delete is confirmed, module goes in “deleted status and can be restored “ but comments is not restored.
Vs Campaign Status & Lifecycle
Lifecycle status should behave the same as currently following submission of changes to campaign modules i.e.
New campaign can be saved as a "Draft" after changes to modules
If approval is enabled, new campaign goes to “in approval” - if not enabled it goes in “Submitted”.
If campaign is “In Approval” or "Change(s) Requested" and campaign is submitted with module changes: campaign goes back to in approval.
If an error related to modules occurs during campaign creation (delete module success = false, or approve campaign success=false, then the campaign goes in “Error” Status.
Vs Send Sample
Latest Changes to modules will also be reflected in Sample email(s).
Vs Notifications
Campaign update notification should inform\highlight changes to modules.
Load of Modules
If load modules fails (Marketo Get Modules or Get Email Content Fails). Jeto API endpoint Get Emails will have property “import_email_modules_success”=failed. In this case:
“Edit Layout” Toggle is disabled.
Red “i” Error icon shows up in place of the toggle - see mockup attached.
Hover or click Error icon opens tooltip message: See #48 in Jeto content Grid.
On Campaign Submit
Delete Modules or Approve Draft Failed (i.e. If Delete Module Success = False OR Approve Module Success = False):
Trigger Error Level 3 : See PTech - Product Development Processes Lifecycle and Security for details.
Campaign Status is update to "Error"
Email notifications are sent See See #35 (User) and #40 (Admin and Support) in Jeto content Grid with Error message =
"Marketo returned an error on while [deleting email module(s)] / [approving your email].
Email: Name of email (https://Link to email)
<== For Delete Module only ==>Module ID: [Module ID]
Controlling which modules are locked cannot be done via the UI yet. This will be added in a second phase.
Only elements that are properly identified as modules in Marketo Templates (class=”mktoModule”), visible by default ("addbydefault"=true) in emails and unlocked in Marketo ("is locked"=false) can be deleted from Jeto. This excludes other type elements such as image, text block, etc, that are typically nested within modules. See Marketo Templates Syntax documentations
Once campaign is submitted one cannot put back previously removed modules.
If a change is made to the local asset of the cloned program associated with a campaign, to either the assets or tokens values - Jeto preview will not reflect these changes in the campaign or preview (this is an existing limitation - not due to modules)