It would be nice for a warning pop up to display when trying to submit any launcher that has "Campaign Launch" activated. This is just one extra step to ensure that when someone hits submit, they know that the launcher will automatically schedule the email send.
Thanks Ellie for the feedback. We're currently scoping what displaying Automated Launch Schedules should look like. Can you help further clarify what information you would like to see in this message?
Given Automated launch actions allow to Activate, Deactivate or Schedule - On any smart campaign that is part of the program...Would you expect to see all action/campaign/date-time information for each entry in Automated Launch? Or would you rather, as an admin - identify which campaign action & schedules should be displayed?
Also in terms of UX do you see this info being displayed only at the time of submission or should it be a persistent info that that marketers can visualize while editing a campaign?
If you can carve out some time to discuss over a quick call please grab time here and we can discuss what the UX could look like.