Jeto Ideas

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Personalize email content with Marketo (Lead) Tokens

Allow Collaborator to insert Marketo Tokens in the content of their message in order to personalized them

Idea is to leverage the Email editor once it's released

Client: McGraw-Hill

  • Guest
  • Oct 30 2018
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    November 21, 2018 21:38

    Jeto currently uses tokens to pass values to Marketo Assets. lead.token cannot be nested in my.tokens. 

    Some workaround could include passing a velocity script or relying on direct HTML input in assets. 
    Both options would require significant effort and can't be added to our short term roadmap. 

    Alternative is to combine static text in Marketo email with "Jeto" Generated content as part of your assets. 


    Dear "lead.First Name", 

    "my.Jeto Email Body"

    We'll definitely consider it for future improvements.