Jeto Ideas

Let us know what you want to see next in Jeto!

Unapprove campaign when an update is submitted

When a collaborator edit an existing campaign, and if the campaign is already approved / scheduled, it would be nice if Jeto actually send a notification to Mops Admin team and unschedule or the campaign. The idea is to prevent collaborators to edit content after being approved by Mops. Unapproving the campaign is a safe guard to allow Mops admin to revalidate the content on ce edited by collaborators.

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  • Oct 30 2018
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    David Desrosiers commented
    6 Nov, 2019 05:15pm

    Merging with I-67.

  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    6 Nov, 2019 05:14pm

    We will now need to look into this with considerations to the new approval process that was released in October...

    The campaign approval process currently cannot be used alongside automated campaign Launch, specifically due to the complexity behind managing potential conflicts in the timeline of Campaign approval vs campaign Launch date.

    This is discussed in the Idea "Allow Approver/Reviewer to Launch Campaigns" (

    Although this is definitely something we are likely to implement, as we focus on Jeto API in the short term this Idea will be put in "Future consideration" and we will get back to it. In the meantime, any additional feedback is welcomed.

  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    21 Nov, 2018 09:32pm

    Do you have details about the requester? 
    I'd love to explore how this could align considering:

    1) If activation/ scheduling has been done from Marketo - there is no way for us to cancel a scheduled Smart Campaign via API. One of our customer will look for "significant change" and if the change affect date, time or address for example, it schedules a smar campaign that will use the "exit flow" step. This could be implemented for any client today - part of November release, but on request only for now - not GA.

    2) If Jeto us used to schedule a smart campaign we can either a) cancel the schedule and notify, or B, Update the schedule of future Jobs  (Ex: if Invitation reminder was set to Event Date -15 days, and Event Changes, we can reset the schedules to use the new Event Date). This is planned for January.

    3) For trigger campaign we could deactivate. But is is really usefull to deactivate campaigns?