Jeto Ideas

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Adding a Preview Thumbnail to Launchers

To allow stakeholders to quickly understand which launcher to choose for their specific design, having a thumbnail inside, to the left or right of the launcher box will provide a visual representation, especially for those new users.

The problem is that the "preview" option in already created campaigns takes quite a bit to see what a template looks like finally. Previewing a launcher is quite different as it only displays what fields/tokens are in the launcher, which is not what an end-user expects to see. This thumbnail would speed up launcher selection, create a better U/X, and increase platform utilization.

To simplify end user use of this thumbnail assignment. Maybe the launcher can have an option to choose a campaign that has used the launcher template and can autogenerate the appropriate thumbnail size. If too small, clicking or hovering over the thumbnail can display a slightly larger thumbnail. This feature would eliminate any client-side requirement to generate thumbnails for the launcher, only creating more work on the client side and possible hand-holding on the vendor side.

  • German Lopez
  • Jul 21 2022
  • Attach files
  • Jennifer Bilello commented
    29 Aug, 2023 08:14pm

    Our Jeto users on several occasions have asked our Ops team to create previews of the assets within Jeto launchers (i.e. in PDF or another format). This is because they often don't know which launcher they need to use based on the name or description alone. Creating previews outside of Jeto defeats the purpose of Jeto to some degree and would be difficult to maintain over time. We've tried to train our users to simply open up the launchers and click into the previews to see the assets but they prefer being able to see previews before selecting a specific launcher (and as pointed out in the Idea, the previews often take long to load). A thumbnail or other visual representation would be helpful.

  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    29 Aug, 2022 11:58pm

    Hi German, thank you for posting this Idea and for providing a great level of details.

    I can really see the value of having a preview of assets to help Marketers pick the right Launcher for their needs.

    I'll put this idea in "gathering interest", for now, so that other users can keep voting on it and provide input.