Jeto Ideas

Let us know what you want to see next in Jeto!

Ability to Update Launcher Type

It would be very helpful if we could update an existing Launcher's type. For example, we cloned a webinar program for an event program because most of the content, tokens, assets, etc. were very similar. It was easier than starting from scracth. The problem with that was that I couldn't update the Launcher type. Jeto Support was able to update the type to Event for us in the backend, but for something that seems like such a simple change, it would be great if we could make that update on our own.

  • Dani Langenderfer
  • May 18 2022
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Fahad Khan commented
    28 May 13:47

    This feature was shipped as part of our Dec 2023/Jan 2024 release. Users can now update hte Launcher type from Launcher Settings!