Jeto Ideas

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Reassign Campaigns (Change Owner)


As a : Administrator or Campaign Owner.

I need to: Have the ability to reassign one of my, or my team member's campaign to a different owner.

So that I can: Ensure business continuity when an employee leaves the company or go on a short term leave.

Subtask 1 - Preserve Original Requester

  • Given: The onwer of a campaign is now becoming a variable element of a campaign

  • When: a campaign is crested and for historical data

  • Then: Jeto must preserve/save the original requester.
    The original requester of the campaign should be stored in dbase as datapoint that we keep intact for future audit/reporting/analytics or troubleshooting. It will not immediately be used in the UI. Ex: creator_user_id. This value is saved on the initial creation of a draft and campaign and in never changed thereafter. Ex: if a campaign is transferred to a user by error, we need a way to track back the original owner to reassign (backend only - no FE at this point)

Subtask 2 - Change the owner of a campaign (single campaign)
Given: Users must transfer ownership of a campaign as a way to pass responsibility to a colleague.
When: an owner or admin access the campaign.
Then: he can select a new owner and transfer ownership.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Change owner of a campaign according to best possible UI/UX.

    • Navigation:

      • Access Campaigns Dashboard

        • Selects Campaign Menu (Snowman)

          • Select “Change Owner”

            • Select new Owner

            • A contextual help will give context to the user. “Only Collaborators or an Admins with access to Launcher can become campaign owners.”

            • Save

            • Campaigns Page Reload to refresh results

            • Back to dashboard with Toast Confirmation

    • Business Rules:

      • Only the current owner or an Admin can take this action. For other users the menu option is visible but disabled.

      • Newly assigned owners can only be ones with a (system Admin or Collaborator (USER) role OR an overwritten collaborator) AND has access on the Launcher.

    • Prototype: contact us to get access.

Subtask 3 - Bulk Edit Owner (multiple campaigns)

Given: Client Ownership may need to change over time if employee goes on vacation or if they leave. Also given Multiple Campaigns might need to be reassigned at once.
When: Admin or current Owner of the campaign access the dashboard and try to edit the owner for multiple campaigns, for example when a given employee leaves or is replaced in the team.
Then: there should be a feature that allows any "Admin" or the "Owner" of the object to change ownership and assign it to san another user in BULK.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • UI UX

    • Create Campaigns View (Optionnal)

      • From Campaigns Dashboard.

        • Admin or Owner can use, Search, filters to filter multiple campaigns based on current owner and Sort results to display subset of campaign

    • User Activates bulk select by clicking the checkbox icon on top of the column - which also “disables” paging (set page size to 10k) - but preserves the query (search and filters). This is to avoid confusion vs the “Select All” action that would otherwize be a partial selection.

      • Bulk selection activation also deactivates the snowman menu options - to avoid confusion on individual vs bulk actions.

      • User select one OR multiple campaigns OR User “select all” visible campaigns

        • Select menu action “Change Owner”

        • Select new Owner

        • Confirmation modal displays and user selects “Proceed”

      • User is back to dashboard with the bulk action still enabled and Success toast is displayed.

      • User can disable bulk action by clicking on the icons again.

    • User selects “Change Owner” from contextual menu.

  • Business Rules: Same as Single Edit Owner PLUS:

    • “Change Owner” menu appears disabled until a selection is made.

    • If user is collaborator selects any one campaign where he is not owner, the menu “Change Owner” becomes disabled.

    • When one or more item is selected, the top of “select boxes” column shows “partial selection” state. Click on it will clear selection.

  • Prototype: Contact us to get access.

Subtask 4 - Warn Admin about “orphan” Campaigns on user deletion
Given: Users leave or gets deleted from time to time
When: Deleting a user that is associated with campaigns
Then: Jeto should allow the administrator to optionally reassignment or Archiving of these campaigns to an active user to avoid orphan objects.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • From Users Page, When Admin opens user menus and Delete a user.

    • Jeto looks for campaigns where status is NOT “Deleted or Archived” where user being deleted is the owner. If at least 1 campaign exists, a modal warning message will display.

    • Design: see attached (same as warning for changes on approved campaigns)

    • Copy: Title: “Heads-Up!”, Body: User “FNAME LNAME” is owner the owner of X Jeto campaigns. You should consider reassigning these campaign(s) to another user or archiving them from the Campaign Dashboard.

      • Button 1 - left-secondary: (Cancel)

      • Button 2 - (right - primary): (Delete User)

New Design Assets

  • Change Owner Icon

  • Enable Bulk checkbox icon

  • Partially selected checkbox state

  • Any other specific dimensions/colour/styling & spacing

  • Update Style Guide with any new / updated components (menu, etc), including new top of column action menu

Out of scope

  • Link for direct access to deleted user campaigns.

  • Using Owner change as an alternative to approval (assignee).

  • Force reassignment or archiving of campaigns on user deletion.

  • Undo

  • Bulk actions for “Archive” and “Delete” campaigns are not part of this task



  • Original creator and changes of owner should be added to Changes Log when this feature becomes available.

  • In future we should consider inline editing on campaign dashboard.

  • David Desrosiers
  • Feb 16 2022
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    February 16, 2022 21:38

    Following multiple support tickets related to change of ownership, and considering the relatively low effort, we're prioritizing this feature to allow Admin to do this in self-service.