Jeto Ideas

Let us know what you want to see next in Jeto!

Control Notifications Preferences

User Story 1
As an:Administrator

I want to: Have the ability to decide if a notification should go our or not when creating a Launcher. I also want to control the message that is sent out

So that I can: improve business operations.

User Story 2

As a: user/collaborator

I want to: chose if I want be able to chose what type of alerts/ notifications I want to receive.

So that I can : minimize inbox overload.

  • Danielle Shubat
  • Jan 7 2022
  • Gathering Interest
  • Attach files
  • Dani Langenderfer commented
    June 20, 2024 12:41

    In addition, for User Story 1, it would be great if we can control who gets notified. So if multiple people have access to the same launcher but only certain people need to get the notifications for this campaign, it would be great to have control of who get's the information.

  • Fahad Khan commented
    April 15, 2024 16:24

    Update: Our team has assessed a MVP to initiate notification control through the introduction of a Notification centre within Jeto.

    Gathering interest for this idea in order to add this to our roadmap