Jeto Ideas

Let us know what you want to see next in Jeto!

Campaign Organization - Organize by Deployment Date

To help keep campaigns organized and prioritized appropriately, we recommend adding in a Column in the Campaign view, or a filter, or both based on deployment date.

We currently ask for deployment/send date within our Jeto launchers. While we know this is based on what we decided to include in our launchers, there are likely others that ask for deployment date or something similar. It would be helpful to organize our campaigns based on those that will be deploying soon.

If this is not an option, it would be great if we could create tags and attach them to the campaigns (similar to Launchers). This could help accomplish something similar. (pls see for feedback/vote on this idea

  • Dani Langenderfer
  • Aug 26 2021
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    October 04, 2021 20:07

    I would also like to invite you to cast your vote on the alternative option you mentioned, which I spun off in it's own Idea:

  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    October 04, 2021 20:02

    Hi Dani,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
    Below are a few criteria and open questions to help us better understand the use case. We'd love to hear your thoughts on these so that the product team get as much context as possible when comes the time to further analyze this request.

    Thank you


    Acceptance Criteria:

    • Must Have:

      • The Jeto Administrator should have the ability to determine (flag\select) a Launcher Form field that indicates the Deployment Date;

      • This "Campaign Dimension" parameter would be configured directly in the form editor as an additional parameter on the field (ex: checkbox "Campaign Dimension" or some other relevant label);

      • Once it's applied in Launcher settings, the Dashboard will be updated with the ability to :

        • View the corresponding Field as a column in the Campaigns Dashboard

        • Sort campaigns by that column (clicking column header)

    • Nive to Have

      • Dimensions such as "Deployment Date" should be build in a way that it is configurable for each use case. i.e. In addition to date fields, we should let admins use any other field type and add it as "campaign dimension". later to be used in campaign column fields or filters.

      • Users should have the ability to use multiple "Campaign Dimensions" for each Launcher.

      • In addition to sorting campaigns by Deployment Date, user should have the ability to Filter campaigns by Deployment Date using standardized date range selection (In future, In past, after, before, between)

    Open questions:

    • Should this "Campaign Dimension" configuration be configurable within each Launcher or should it be an "account wide" configuration that applies to all Launchers?

    • Should that column be displayed for all users in the campaigns tab or should we let the user add it (and let each user customize displayed columns).