Currently, comments are only shown on the Preview screen, but to make the edit, you have to toggle back to the Edit Campaign screen. If there are multiple edits, this gets to be time consuming. Suggest showing edits on both screens for easier updates.
The comments are currently added via the preview panel. One need to "pin" the comment on an email or landing page to add it. So there is currently no direct relationship with the form.
I update this idea to reflect your comment and will consider it as a future improvement.
Hi David. I see what you're saying. Taking this a step further, is it possible to show the location of the comments on the edit screen? Although you can see the comments on the edit screen, you don't know where they correlate to on the launcher.
Hi Britany,
Sorry for the delayed response.
It's actually possible to toggle between edit and preview all while opening and keeping the comment panel opened. If that does not work for you, please contact support and provide the campaign link and you browser details and we'll be happy help fix this for you.