Jeto Ideas

Let us know what you want to see next in Jeto!

Displayed Value vs. Stored Value on Multi Select Field

Support the ability to capture/store different values than displayed values in multi-select fields in launchers. This way, the token would be populated by the stored value that is related to the displayed value that the Jeto end-user selects. i.e. the same funcitonality as on Marketo forms in multi-picklist fields...

  • Jordan Resnick
  • May 5 2021
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    10 May, 2021 06:53pm

    Thanks for submitting this new idea.
    Could you helps us further by providing more details the following items?

    1) What is the level of urgency:

    Critical: Malfunction of the feature, process or data makes the application unusable. Major impact on the business.

    High: Malfunction of the feature, process or data significantly degrades the performance. High impact on the business.

    Medium: Malfunction of the feature, process or does not significantly degrade performance, yet it remains essential. Limited impact on the business.

    Low:Non essential functions, process or data. Neglectable impact on the business.

    2. What proportion of your users or campaigns are affected by that?

    3. How much does it cost you to not have the ability to use this feature (estimated time, revenu, costs)?