Jeto Ideas

Let us know what you want to see next in Jeto!

Edit, reorder and bulk update singles select/multi select options

As a…Mops Admin

I need to… quickly set singke/multi select fields in my Launcher

So that I can;build forms that will display proper values for the user to pick.

Considerations This field can host dozens of values (ex: 50 American states, 150 Countries, etc.)

Acceptance Criteria:
1. From Form Field Properties “Options” section, admin can edit any of the existing single select or multi select field values

2. From Form Field Properties “Options” section, admin can reorder any of the existing single select or multi-select.

3. From for dield properties, add a button so that I can click to add option (in addition to hitting enter on keyboard.

4. From input field, have the option to add comma separater values or upload csv to set/add multiple values in bulk

  • Carolanne Mak
  • Dec 16 2020
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Fahad Khan commented
    April 23, 2024 19:16

    Update: We're currently actively scoping this feature and have an MVP planned.

    In addition to supporting re-ordering and having separate labels & values we will also be looking to support Bulk CSV imports for use-cases where there are several values for single and multi select.

    Currently, we're looking to make progress and deliver this feature ASAP :D

  • Danielle Hollywood commented
    February 28, 2024 22:35

    It would awesome to finally see this included in the 2024 Roadmap. This would be a tremendous timesaver for our team as well as the Jeto support team as we often need to make mass updates to our launchers and picklists. With several launchers and long picklists this can be very time consuming to need to do manually or requires us to reach out to support for additional help. If were were able to do bulk updates as well as reorder it would be a much efficiency boost for Jeto customers and the internal team. I would also include the ability to auto list/reorder by alphabetical order.

  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    April 05, 2023 02:19

    We're moving forward with scoping this request which is planned for 2023 along with adding more flexibility to the single and multi-select: delete and reorder options! Stay tuned.

  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    February 21, 2022 15:00

    We'll leave it in "gathering feedback" and monitor for additional votes.

  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    February 21, 2022 14:59

    This idea was updated with additional feedback to include edit, and reorder options.

  • Carolanne Mak commented
    January 08, 2021 22:38

    Hi David,

    I'd like to better align audience targeting from Jeto forms so that choices are easier to map to filters we use in Marketo - for example, the Jeto field could include a list of company types, job functions, or product interests.

    I don't think there's a preference on format - it would be great to upload a .csv or paste in all options as a block of text separated by special characters into one field to add choices when building the launcher.

  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    January 08, 2021 19:12

    Thanks for submitting this Idea.
    I understand that loading a large number of option can be a tedious task.
    Do you have a specific format in mind?

    This Idea is being updated to "Additional input required" for now so we can gather more specific details and votes from the user community.

