We received feedback from our collaborators that it would be great if they could click on a module within the preview and edit it directly rather than having to flip back and forth from the form to the preview .
Also when deleting modules, delete the associated form fields that are no longer relevant.
A split view to see the preview while working in the edit form would be great!
Update: We're currently exploring ways to enhance our preview and editing experience. So far, we've made several updates to our acceptance criteria.
Take a look here and let us know if you'd like changes or us to focus on something in particular
"Acceptance Criteria MVP - From Form to Assets
UX From the campaign edit page:
“Edit Menu is renamed “Form”
In addition to the “Edit” (form) and the “Preview” menu options, a new “Split View” is available
Once the “Split view” is selected, the page splits into 2 panels
Left Panel contains the Form Editor
Right Panel contains the Assets Preview
Each panel has an independent “scroll bar”
User can drag the panel's separator width to give more room to the form vs the Preview
Min Width for form is XXX
Min Width for Assets is XXX
UX - User can Navigate from the form field to the associated asset area and vice versa
For each field where the associated field ID is present in the asset preview, on hover, an icon appears on the right of the field (grey non selected, blue when selected).
When the user selects the field OR when the user clicks on the new icon, the preview automatically navigates to the related asset (email or landing page) and sets the focus on the associated element in the preview - at the same height as the field. The and the associated value appears as highlighted on the asset.
Preview Panel, as a new navigation to “jump” to previous or next area where a field is matching an element. When clicked, both the corresponding field and asset elements are “focused' side by side.
Backward compatibility - Please note that our changes WILL be backwards compatible.
Thanks for your input Theresa. The current plan is to focus on next releases on Jeto API and campaign analytics. Improving the experience with Assets editor is still on the roadmap, so I will move it to "Future Considerations" for now.
or as a short term solution have a preview of the sections in eg an email in the form so that people know what they are editing