Jeto Ideas

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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit JETO-I-162 Allowing users to use GIFs in Jeto .

Support Cropping/resizing animated gif - Spike Merged


As a...Collaborator

I need to...Resize animated gifs

So that I can...Include it in my campaigns

And benefit...easy and fast compliant emails that include animations.


Instance: Prid and staging.
Launcher: Test Image & File:

1. Create campaign from launcher and upload gif image (file attached) /secure/attachment/11262/11262_TO_Webchat+%281%29.gif .
2. Using image editor, crop the image.
ER: Image should crop and gif should still animage
CR: Image is cropped and gif is static image (no more animation)

Maybe we need a different method to crop gif vs other image formats to maintain animations?

  • David Desrosiers
  • Jun 17 2020
  • Shipped
  • Admin
    David Desrosiers commented
    September 09, 2020 20:41

    Jeto can now resize images in standard formats (png, jpg, static gif), but resizing animated gif is not possible and would require a significant effort. Until this feature us upvoted we need put it in the parking lot.